Common Questions
- Junction Turning Counts
- Vehicle and Pedestrian Link Counts
- Origin and Destination Counts
- ATC Surveys (EURO13 Classification)
Have a look at our brief explanatory video, and will be adding other video tutorials explaining how to present your data soon. In the meantime, please feel free to contact us for help. Alternatively, you can use our fully managed service, and just send us your data for mapping.
Help for end-users of your data is provided in an easily accessible way on the reports pages.
All you need to do is create an extra HTML page on your site. No extra coding is required, and we're happy to help you at no extra cost!
We do not plan to delete your data. Presentation links will stay active indefinately. You may always delete your own data of course, if required.
The service works well in all recent desktop browsers, including:
- Chrome 38 and above
- Internet Explorer 10 and above
- Firefox 29 and above
- Safari 8 and above
- Opera 25 and above
Overall we estimate that 99% of users will be able to access the reports using one of their installed browsers. We decided to prioritise the flexibility of the reports over accessibility for the small number of users who cannot upgrade to a more recent browser. This number will fall further over time, and we expect will be insignificant within 12 months.
The direction of development is driven by users, but we are interested in the following:
- Support for uploading supporting documents and datasets that can't be presented graphically
- Support for junctions with multiple routes from one arm to another
- Extra data exporting options - more data layouts and including charts
- Support for other data types - queue lengths and saturation flows for example
- Tools for checking the integrity of data
We welcome your feedback on what would be useful facilities.
If you want to know something else, please contact us.