How It Works
Start Your Free Trial
Visit this page to create an account, and you may use to service free of charge until further notice. If you are an individual and not representing an organisation, please enter your full name in the organisation field.
Download the Free Android App
Download the app here. In order to install it on your tablets, you may first need to change Settings > Security to allow 'Unknown Sources'.
Configure Your Counters
By clicking 'Counter Configuration', you can add the Users, Classes and Behaviours that you wish to use. After then starting the app on your tablets, register each one with your account by entering your account details. Click for more info.
Setup Your Survey Tasks
Start the app and Login as an 'Administrator' user (such as the default user 'Admin'), and create one or more survey task setups. Click for more info.
Make Sure the Configuration and Survey Setup Files are on Your Counters
If your tablets can be connected to the Internet, each will attempt to download the files from our server when the app starts.
You can check that the tasks setup information is correct on each device by clicking 'Test Survey Task Setup' in the main menu of the app when logged in as an 'Adminstrator' user.
Your 'tcp-config.bin' and 'tcp-setup.bin' files must be present on each tablet that you plan to use, and if not connecting to the Internet, the correct location for the files is usually the folder that opens by default when connecting your tablet to a desktop PC. The app will try to find the approriate files if you copy them manually, and placing them in the folder /mnt/sdcard/ should always work.
Instruct Workers and Conduct the Survey
They will need to know their usernames and pin codes to login, and have some instruction on how to use the counters if they are unfamiliar with the technology.
Upload the Data from Each Counter
This can either be done by the users themselves or back in the office depending on which is most convenient. This can be from the tablet app itself, or using a web browser to upload the 'tcp-data.bin' file to the Tally Counter Pro website. Click for more info.
Collect the Survey Data from the Online Interface
All the uploaded data, will automatically be associated with your account when you sign into the online interface here, and you will be able to select and download the data you require in the format of your choice. Click for more info.